Saturday, 6 September 2014


Before I begin, I just want to say sorry for the lack of posts! I have a few quick updates I'd like to talk about.

First of all, I have a youtube channel! There I will be starting to post videos related to igloos and I was actually planning some other shows. Like for example people post love stories (Not that I will do that unless yo want me to). You can subscribe my channel here.

Next I wanted to say that I am a new author on the Club Penguin Igloo Ideas blog! Check me out here. So since I am on that blog now, I will be not be very active here. You will be able to see my new (and old) igloos there.

Thanks for reading! Bye!
- AllyCP

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

House Interiors E3: Dining Room

Finally continuing House Interiors! Today I bring you the Dining Room!
Click for a close-up image!
So as I said, this is our Dining Room! Okay, okay! I know this looks kind of plain, but what else is there in a dining room? 
This igloo includes:
  • Dining Table + Chairs
This was pretty much it. Honestly there wasn't too much in this igloo and I'm really sorry about that. Feel free to rate this out of 10. I truly don't know what I would rate this. I'm soo sorry this post is so short, but you guys are the best! Bye!

- AllyCP

Tuesday, 2 September 2014


Here is my lagoon igloo inspired by a friend of mine named Lela. You can check her out here
Click for a close-up image!
So if you guys read my previous post, I'm back! So today I bring you a Lagoon. I'll be really honest right now and say that while making this igloo I had no idea what a lagoon actually was. I always thought if it as a mixture between a beach and a swamp. I think this turned out nice. A shame that you can't turn the Ancient Tree to face the left. 
This igloo includes
  • Two Seating Areas
  • Lagoon Waters
So that was pretty much it. Personally I thought it could have turned out nicer but it's done now soooo. I'm also glad I finished this igloo in one day. I was actually planning on doing half of it one day and continuing the other half the next day. So I honestly don't know what I would rate this. I really don't. But as usual, Feel free to post your opinions on this igloo and rate it out of 10 in the comments below. Have a super awesome fantastic splendid day! Bye!

P.S: I actually start school today, but for those who haven't started yet: I wish you the best of luck!

- AllyCP

Monday, 1 September 2014

I'm Back

Hey guys! This post is completely unrelated to the blog and I'm so sorry about that. I just really quickly want to explain why I left. So in case you hadn't noticed, I actually left for 2 weeks. I'm so sorry about that. The reason why I left is because I just couldn't make igloos. I guess you could say I had igloomakers-block (Much like writers-block). I can assure you I'm back. I haven't quit or anything. Durring the time I have been gone I actually planned out the igloos that will be posting and I can't wait to get back on track. I've also been busy with a little "project" I guess you can say ;) Well that's it for this post. Tomorrow I'll be posting a brand new igloo and also continuing my two series. Feel free to post any igloo ideas you would like to see in the comments and I'll take a shot at trying to make them. Bye!

- AllyCP